I discovered this image by the photographer David Et Myrtyle.I was inspired by this image because i felt it captured the feeling of drugs.  I like this photo in particular as it can be used to show someone being on a high, with their head in the clouds or dreaming etc. But it can also work for anxiety, paranoia and even confusion. 
The photograp itself is simple. I like the plain background and the soft subtle colors highlighted in the flocked wallpaper. The models clothing is also quite subtle and blends with the background. This brings the viewers focus to the clouds and the movement of the models head. I like the hair being wrapped around over her face, this shows movement of the head which again links in well with my theme as it shows excitement, movement and friction. The colour is desaturated in areas which has given the photograph a painterly effect.  The composition is interesting because the main portrait figure sits in the bottom half of the canvas. The top half of the image is juts blank canvas. This adds to the narrative affect of the image. It is not a straight forward portrait. The photographer is trying to convey a narrative, tell a story.

I feel the obscured face of the model makes the viewer question the image. Who is she? What is happening?. If the models face was apparant i dont think this image would have the same impact.

In order to create a similar image, i am going to use a slow shutter speed. This should aid the movement of the image. The clouds overlaid look as if they are passing in the opposite direction. I feel as if she is trying to shake off the clouds to get a clear perspective.  Unfortuanely i am unable to find a simialr flocked wallpaper. Instead i will take a studio shot using a softbox. I will overlay a blending mode and texture. Completing a similar shot will allow me to hone my photography portrait skills and photoshop manipulation. This will allow me to develop and realsie my own ideas.
Here are some photos i have found that i think could demonstrate the feeling of being on a high ( for more go to my pintrest http://pinterest.com/harleyalgieri/ ) ;
I have been looking into the effects of Cannabis, Alcohol, speed (methamphetamine) and Ecstacy (MDMA). Here are the effects of each drug ;
Taking cannabis can make people feel chilled out, relaxed and happy, and they may get the giggles or become very talkative. 
It can make you more aware of your senses, and the hallucinogenic effects can even give you a feeling of time slowing down. Cannabis may cause feelings of anxiety, suspicion, panic and paranoia. 

Alcohol is a depressant on brain activity: A small amount can reduce feelings of anxiety and inhibitions, making you feel more sociable. And it will often exaggerate whatever mood you're in when you start drinking. The short-term effects of alcohol can last for a day or two, depending on how much you drank, including the hangover.
Speed’ makes users feel very up, alert and energised, but can also make them agitated and aggressive.  It can also have other effects:
Speed makes people feel wide awake, excited and chatty. Clubbers take it because it gives them the energy to dance for hours without getting tired. Amphetamines were once the main ingredient in diet pills because they stop people feeling hungry.
Speed use can lead to agitation, panics or even a psychotic episode.
Ecstasy makes users feel energised, alert and alive – and on its own, it’s not a drug that makes people violent. It can also have other effects: Ecstasy makes people feel ‘in tune’ with their surroundings, and can make music and colours more intense. Users often have temporary feelings of love and affection for the people they're with and for the strangers around them. Short-term effects of use can include anxiety, panic attacks, confused episodes, paranoia and even psychosis. Lots of people feel really chatty on E., (although these chats don't always make sense to people who aren't on an E!). Physical side effects can include dilated pupils, a tingling feeling, tightening of the jaw muscles, raised body temperature and the heart beating faster.

Throughout my project i have focused on doppelgangers and split personality. This has lead me to think about 'split personality' more in depth.  A split personality is when a person can be two different personalities at one time. On occasion they can appear nice, helpful, a good friend or even a good lover and without warning they could become selfish, arrogant and cruel. They flip back and forth between the two personalities. There are many mental disorders that cause split personalities, one is Multiple Personality Disorder, Multiple personality disorder is a severe mental disorder in which a person displays two or more distinct identities. There can be as many as one hundred personalities or more, although most of those whom have this disorder display about ten to fifteen different personalities. Each takes control over the patients behavior for a period of time, usually adopting a unique name, voice, movement style and life history. Another reason that people in our day and age have split personalities is the heavy use of drugs. Alcohol, cannabis and cocaine are now widely available. I will look into the effects of Alcohol, cannabis, Extasy (MDMA) and speed (methamphetamine).
Here are a few more photos i have done in the style of cornelia hediger...

Here i have added a grid onto one of my own cornelia hediger inspired photographs. It isnt quite like cornelia hedigers work yet as i have just simply put a grid onto a photo, whereas cornelia hediger has the grid and when you look closely into the seperate boxes, her photo isnt perfectly aligned, and she has taken photos from different angles to create a more interesting photograph. So i still need to try this.
I have been looking very closely at Cornelia Hedigers work, and have noticed that, obviously she puts grids on top of her work, but when you look very closely at the separate boxes in the grids, the photographs are not aligned properly. this is one of the small things that makes her work stand out to me. i like that the closer you look at her work, the more you notice these small details that make the photograph. at first glance you see the most obvious details, for example that there are two or more of one person, but when you look closer, into the grids Cornelia has photographed the models from different angles and then mixed them all up and merged them into a photo, this make the model look long and stretched, and unnatural.
Here are some examples to look at . . .
Ive been interested in composite photography since the start of my project. I came across the work of Cornelia Hedigers work on dopplegangers. I have found this work compelling. I am really inspired by the way she creates sinister stories through her photography. She addresses the idea of the split personality and human condition.

I really like the way she uses subtle techniques as it makes the doppleganger photos very striking. Hediger describes the 'lush' colours and 'sweet' dress as vehicles used to draw the viewer in to a false state of security. Once the viewer looks closer, they realise that something isnt quite right, or as hediger puts it 'off'.

The photo seems as thought nothing authentic remains as it appears so distort and constructed.In each image the 'twin' character appears to despise the other. As one character goes about their day to day life the other watches from the sidelines. Often the second character appears to want to harm the other, clues such as hidden knives and haunting glares are used for sinister effect. The surroundings used are often quite sterile and impersonal. However you can see that the surroundings are equally as important as the models and emotions.
The only obvious post production tool used in Hedgiers work is the stark grid placed over each image. This deconstructs and fractionalises each section of the image. Allowing the viewer to further disect and analyse every part of the image.

This was my first go at doing a composite image. i took a number of photos and these where the three that worked best together. I used photoshop to merge the three photos together. I used the soft brush tool. Next time i  would make sure the camera was till when i took the pictures because the it was harder to blend the photos, You can see quite obviously where i have tried to blend the pictures mainly around her head(s) and legs. Next time id be more