This is to show a personal issue with yourself, mainly based on appearance.
The final edit.
This is the original photo before editing.
I love the vibrance in the eyes in this photo, its what drew me to it.
I really like the words on this, and the emotion in the photo. This gave me the idea to look into using quotes in my photography.

Lee Jeffries

I have chosen  to look at issues for this exam unit. I am going to look into ' personal issues' and the fronts people put up in order to hide these issues they have. I thought of this idea as i was with my four bestfriends and thought about how happy we all are, how much we laugh and joke but when you look deeper into each of our lives, we all have issues with either family or ourselves but unless you know that person well you would never know, sometimes even the closest of friends dont know everything that goes on in their friends lifes when not in their company. When you look at all of my close friends individually, they all suffer with issues, even though many people wouldnt know, some examples are of a friend whos family have alot of money, she lives with her mum, her dad and her only sister and they have the 'perfect' life, but this friend of mine actually has a serious hear condition where she has to have frequent operations and take alot of medication for since she was a young child. But no one would ever know this, and she is obviously upset by this, cant have the career she has always dreamed of because of this and has missed out on things she would have loved to do because of it, but she puts on a brave face and stays strong, she puts up this front and hides the way she feels from everyone, we all assume she is happy, and dealing with it well, when in fact for all we know she is just fine in out presence but at night when shes alone she could be the complete opposite and is very upset about it. within just a group of five of us there are many issues including death of a close loved one for example baby brother, mum and sister.. being gay and having your own family judging you.. having a serious heart condition and really low self esteem. I am going to be looking into the issues that people hide behind their smiles. 
This is my finished final piece. I used the Tchmo inspired coloured clouds but made the colours alot more subtle compared to the work i have been producing in the lead up to this. i experimented with more vibrant colours, exposure and curves and levels, and this is the final outcome. I thought the subtle colours worked best and i am happy with the outcome.
Here is the first try of the idea i had for a final piece. I really like how this came out although i still want to bring in the Tchmo inspired colourful clouds which i will be using as a final piece if it comes out as well as i am hoping it does.